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Tabula Siarensis
 Record No. 4916
 Law / legal text
Found inUtrera - Cañada, La, Sevilla, Andalucía, España - Torre del Águila  Stored inSevilla - Museo Arqueológico Provincial
Inscription [- - -]N[- - - ad conservandam memoriam Germanici Caesa]/[ris qui mori nu]nquam(!) debuit [- - - senatus censuit faciendum esse s(enatus) c(onsultum) (...)  Biblio CILA II, 927 = HEp 5, 1995, 734 = HEp 9, 1999, 524 = AE 1983, 515 = AE 1984, 508 = AE 1986, 275 = AE 1986, 308 = AE 1988, 703 = AE 1989, 358 = AE (...)