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675 of 31893 records match your query! Edit Query
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 23468
Found inFaro, Faro, Faro, Portugal 
Inscription M(agnae) div(um) matr(i) / L(ucius) Agrius / [- - -] / sacerdos / · crinobo[l(ium) f(ecit)]  Biblio IRCP 1 = RAP 456 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 23469
Found inFaro, Faro, Faro, Portugal 
Inscription - - - - -]SI[- - - / - - -] Deo [  Biblio IRCP 1b2 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 23470
Found inFaro, Faro, Faro, Portugal 
Inscription - - - - - / EF[- - -]LIS[- - -] / M(arcus) Acilius [Bal]/bus lib(ertus) [- - - / - - - p]ro salute [et re/d]itus(!) eor[um! / [a(nimo) l(ibens)] (...)  Biblio IRCP 2 = RAP 552 
Dedicación a Aureliano
 Record No. 23471
 Cippus - Dedicatory
Found inFaro, Faro, Faro, Portugal 
Inscription Imp(eratori) Caes(ari) / L(ucio) Domitio / Aureliano / Pio Fel(ici) Aug(usto) / p(ontifici) m(aximo) t(ribunicia) p(otestate) p(atri) p(atriae) / II (...)  Biblio IRCP 4 = AE 1897, 49 = AE 1900, 31 = RAP 517 
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 Record No. 23472
 Honorary inscription
Found inFaro, Faro, Faro, Portugal 
Inscription L(ucio) Annio / Quir(ina) / Novato / - - - - - -  Biblio IRCP 6 
Keywords tribus 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 23473
Found inFaro, Faro, Faro, Portugal 
Inscription M(arco) Cornelio / Q(uinti) f(ilio) Gal(eria) Persae / flamini / provinciae Lysitani(ae) / civitas Ossonob(ensis) / patrono  Biblio IRCP 7 = RAP 520 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 23474
Found inFaro, Faro, Faro, Portugal 
Inscription - - - - -]F / [- - -]LA / [- - - mun]icipi(i) / [- - -]rtili / [- - - monu]mentum / [- - - colo]niae / [- - -]I SI / [- - -]us / [- - -]us / [- - -]s (...)  Biblio IRCP 9 
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 Record No. 23475
Found inFaro, Faro, Faro, Portugal 
Inscription Q(uintus) Iunius Avitianus / L(ucius) Aemilius Themison / L(ucius) Publicius Urbanus / L(ucius) Caecilius Plocamus / L(ucius) Licinius Fructus / (...)  Biblio IRCP 10 
Keywords origo (mention of provenience) 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 23476
Found inFaro, Faro, Faro, Portugal 
Inscription M III[- - - / - - -]ARM AE[- - - / - - -] d(ecreto) d(ecurionum?)  Biblio IRCP 13 
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Epitafio de Acte
 Record No. 23477
 Stele - Sepulchral inscription
Found inFaro, Faro, Faro, Portugal 
Inscription D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum) / Acte / ann(orum) XXXV / h(ic) s(ita) e(st) s(it) t(ibi) t(erra) l(evis)  Biblio IRCP 14 
Keywords name with Greek provenience 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 23478
Found inFaro, Faro, Faro, Portugal 
Inscription P(ubli) Ae(li) / Suri Arches / VE[  Biblio IRCP 15 
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Epitafio de Castor
 Record No. 23479
 Tombstone (barrel-shaped...) - Sepulchral inscription
Found inFaro, Faro, Faro, Portugal  Stored in- Museu de Faro (inv. 180)
Inscription Castor / vixsit / annos / VIII dies XV / [- - - - - -?]  Description Monumento de piedra caliza, de forma semicilíndrica 
Biblio IRCP 17 = HEp 15, 2006, 496 = Dias, M. M. A., and C. I. S. Gaspar. Catálogo Das Inscrições Paleocristãs Do Território Português. Lisboa, 2006, (...) 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 23480
Found inFaro, Faro, Faro, Portugal 
Inscription D(is) [M(anibus) s(acrum)] / Umbr[icius? - - -] / Dion[ysius?  Biblio IRCP 24 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 23481
Found inFaro, Faro, Faro, Portugal 
Inscription - - - - - / Daphini / ann(orum) LX h(ic) s(itus?) e(st) s(it) t(ibi) t(erra) l(evis)  Biblio IRCP 26 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 23482
 Sepulchral inscription
Found inFaro, Faro, Faro, Portugal 
Inscription D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum) / SAL[- - -] / [- - - - - -] / ann(orum) [- - -] / - - - - - -  Biblio IRCP 28 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 23483
Found inFaro, Faro, Faro, Portugal 
Inscription - - - - -]A NO[- - -] / ann(orum) / R[- - -]I[  Biblio IRCP 29 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 23484
Found inFaro, Faro, Faro, Portugal 
Inscription annoru]m(?) X[L - - -] / h(ic) s(itus?) e(st) [s(it) t(ibi) t(erra) l(evis)]  Biblio IRCP 32 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 23485
Found inFaro, Faro, Faro, Portugal 
Inscription VELID[- - -]II / [- - - / - - -]VI[- - - / - - -]D  Biblio IRCP 33 
Dedicación a Ataecina?
 Record No. 23487
 Votive altar - Cultual
Found inQuelfes, Olhão, Faro, Portugal - Quinta do Marim  Stored in- Museu Paroquial de Moncarapacho
Inscription - - - - - - / [- - -]REI[- - - / - - -]NI Turubri[gensis? - - - / - - -]e ex Narac[- - - / - - -]V SVOTV so[lvit?]  Description Parte inferior de una ara 
Biblio IRCP 37; RAP 617 
Epitafio de Saturnina
 Record No. 23488
 Sepulchral inscription
Found inOlhão, Olhão, Faro, Portugal 
Inscription Aemilia / Saturni/na v(ixit) a(nnos) LX/IIII m(enses) VI d(ies) XVII / s(it) t(ibi) [t(erra)] l(evis)  Biblio IRCP 38 
Epitafio de Amimetus
 Record No. 23489
 Stele - Sepulchral inscription
Found inMoncarapacho, Olhão, Faro, Portugal - Alfanxia  Stored in- Museu Paroquial de Moncarapacho
Inscription D(is) · M(anibus) · s(acrum) / Amimetus / vi(xit) ann(is) · XXIII / h(ic) · s(itus) · e(st) · s(it) · t(ibi) · t(erra) · l(evis)  Description Estela con remate triangular 
Biblio IRCP 39 
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Epitafio de Paullianus
 Record No. 23493
 Sepulchral inscription
Found inOlhão, Olhão, Faro, Portugal 
Inscription [D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum)] / Paullianus vix(it) / an(nos) XVI m(enses) V / s(it) t(ibi) t(erra) l(evis)  Biblio IRCP 51 
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Restos de epitafio
 Record No. 23496
 Sepulchral inscription
Found inOlhão, Olhão, Faro, Portugal 
Inscription D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum) [- - -] / - - - - - -  Biblio IRCP 55 
Ara dedicada a Aquis
 Record No. 23497
 Votive altar - Cultual
Found inMonchique, Monchique, Faro, Portugal - En el nacimiento de las termas de Caldas de Monchique  Stored in- En el Gabinete Clínico de las Caldas de Monchique
Inscription Aqui[s] / sacri[s] / Patulcia / t(estamento?) p(atris?) / v(otum) s(olvit)  Description Ara rota por arriba y moldurada entre el fuste y la base 
Biblio IRCP 56 = AE 1955, 262 = RAP 240 
Dedicación a Diana
 Record No. 23498
 Votive altar - Cultual
Found inSilves, Silves, Faro, Portugal  Stored in- Museu Regional de Lagos
Inscription Dianae / sacrum  Description Árula con jarra en el lateral izquierdo y pátera en el derecho 
Biblio A. Viana - J. Formosinho - O. da V. Ferreira, "De lo Preromano a lo árabe en el Museo Regional de Lagos", AEspA 87, 1953, 134 con foto (AE 1955, 20); (...) 
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